The most controversial Fortnite updates of all time

11. Patch Notes Removal
OG players may still remember the super-detailed patch notes Epic published during Chapter 1. The sudden shift to less detailed patch notes in Chapter 2 left many players feeling embarrassed. Now, when some shotgun gets a ridiculous buff, you are forced to test it in-game to find out. | © Epic Games

10. The Infinity Blade
The Infinity Blade is one of a few items in the game that could be even more broken than Mechs. This sword gave a whole army of perks for players who wield it, including movement speed boost and rapid health regeneration. | © Epic Games

9. Siphon Removal
This update during Season 8 sparked massive controversy within the Fortnite community. The removal of Siphon, which granted players health and shields for eliminations, didn’t just slow the pace of the game - it also eliminated a key feature that allowed top-tier players to dominate. | © Epic Games

8. Boom Boxes
Boom Boxes were the ultimate nightmare in Season 7, and they quickly became one of the most disliked items in Fortnite. These throwable items could obliterate structures with continuous sound waves, taking away one of Fortnite’s core strategies. | © Epic Games

7. Wrecked Season
Wrecked Season threw skill out of the window and made Fortnite a Full Throttle battle royale with a lot of luck involved. Cars were overpowered, the guns felt underwhelming, and without a boss car, winning this season was almost impossibly difficult. | © Epic Games

6. Chapter 5 Movement Update
Chapter 5 Movement Update has completely changed the way players navigate the Fortnite battlefield, introducing faster sprinting, sliding, and mantling mechanics. Even to this day, players continue to be concerned that the update disrupted the game’s core mechanics and devalued the importance of the building. | © Epic Games

5. Planes
Planes were extremely OP, especially at the launch, but many players still enjoyed the fast-paced aerial combat and easy eliminations from the sky with little counterplay. Despite multiple mid-season nerfs to balance them, planes continued to be a point of contention. | © Epic Games

4. New Locker Update
One day Epic Games woke up and decided to fundamentally change one of the most important Fortnite features - skin rarities. Now, finding your favorite skin has become significantly more difficult unless you remember its exact name, and the new color scheme feels like a downgrade compared to the vibrant ones players loved before. | © Epic Games

3. Primal Season
Primal Season is associated with nothing good but clunky guns, slow movement, and getting too far from Fortnite's core. The primal weapons, in particular, were heavily criticized for being imprecise and lacking the fluidity of previous arsenals. | © Epic Games

2. Turbo Building Nerf
Epic Games tried to increase the delay between placing structures from 0.05 seconds to 0.15 seconds, effectively weakening one of the most vital skills in the game: building. This was hated by everyone, from casual to pro players. | © Epic Games

1. The B.R.U.T.E. Mechs
B.R.U.T.E. Mechs is easily the most hated update in Fortnite history in all respects, from their unreasoning power to simplicity of use and availability. These mechs were so overpowered that they sparked the "#RemoveTheMech" movement that went viral on social media. | © Epic Games
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