Alisa is a Senior Content Creator at EarlyGame and responsible for the Fortnite category.
She came into contact with her first video games at a very early age. It started with her brother's first Game Boy, which she secretly played with as soon as he was at soccer practice. Over the years, she accumulated numerous consoles. And a lot of games.
While CoD was always one of her favorites, she later stumbled upon Fortnite in the early times of Chapter 1, which also led her to streaming on Twitch under the name AlisaChristina, where she has since built a proud community of 50k followers and contributed to many gaming projects.
But besides streaming, she wanted to make more out of her passion for games. Previous jobs and internships at Sky Germany in content, at a film production and a marketing agency as marketing manager prepared her for EarlyGame, where she can finally do what she wants: Write about her favorite games.
But that's not enough. Her studies in "Applied Media" with a specialization in "Media Acting and Moderation" were not in vain either. With EarlyGame, we host great Fortnite tournaments from time to time with up to 3000 participants, hosted and moderated by Alisa.
Otherwise, when Alisa is not gaming and streaming Fortnite, she likes to suffer in Valorant or delve into various single player games, like Zelda or The Last of Us.