13 facts about Harry Potter movies you probably didn't know

13. Chamber Of Secrets is longest film in the series
Chamber of Secrets holds the record as the longest film in the series, clocking in at 161 minutes. A significant portion of this runtime is devoted to a young Daniel Radcliffe carefully interacting with Tom Riddle's diary, a detail that emphasizes both the character's curiosity and the film's pace. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

12. Voldemort has different real names in different languages
Tom Riddle's name had to be varied across different languages so that the anagram for "I am Lord Voldemort" from the Chamber of Secrets would work. For instance, in French, where it needs to spell out "Je Suis Voldemort" he was renamed Tom Elvis Jedusor, while in Swedish he becomes Tom Gus Mervolo Dolder. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

11. No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie
The end credits of the Harry Potter films reassure viewers that no dragons were harmed in the making of these movies. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

10. Charlie Weasley makes his appearance only once
Charlie Weasley, often referred to as the adventurous Weasley brother, appears only once in the Harry Potter films. Portrayed by Alex Crockford, he is seen only briefly in a moving family photo from the Weasleys' holiday in Egypt, in The Prisoner of Azkaban. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

9. Scenes for the Hogwarts library were shot at Oxford's Bodleian Library
Many of the most iconic scenes set in the Hogwarts Library were filmed at the Bodleian Library in Oxford. With understandably strict regulations, especially regarding open flames, the library had to give special permission for a moment of filming in which Harry drops a lantern. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

8. Rowling was offered the part of Lily Potter
J.K. Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, was offered the chance to appear on screen as Lily Potter, Harry's mother. Despite this and other offers, Rowling declined, expressing her belief that she wasn't suited for acting. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

7. The actual layout of Hogwarts changes in every movie
The architectural layout of Hogwarts School was intentionally altered throughout the Harry Potter films. Directors changed the environment as needed for each film, embracing the magical premise that if staircases could shift within Hogwarts, then so could entire rooms and landscapes. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

6. Over 4,000 people worked on all eight Harry Potter movies
Over 4,000 individuals have contributed their skills across various roles while creating all eight Harry Potter movies. The Wizarding World tour ends in Ollivanders' shop, where thousands of wand boxes are displayed, each inscribed with the name of an actor or crew member who was part of the magical Harry Potter journey. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

5. 17 giant fireplaces were built to create the set for the Ministry of Magic
For Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the set designers constructed seventeen massive, 30-foot-tall fireplaces to create the set for the Ministry of Magic. These impressive structures were enhanced further with visual effects to increase the Ministry's vastness. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

4. Professor Umbridge's decorative kitten plate collection is CGI
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the kitten plates of Professor Umbridge were originally hand-painted green. These plates served as screens onto which the Visual Effects team projected real footage of kittens. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

3. Hagrid is about 12 feet tall in the books, but they made him 7.5 feet in the movies
In the Harry Potter books, Hagrid is about 12 feet, but for the movies, his height was adjusted to a slightly more manageable 7.5 feet. The stunt double, Martin Bayfield, wore a heavy, cooling-equipped body suit complete with stilts to mimic Hagrid's moves. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

2. Over 210,000 detailed coins were created to represent the Wizarding currency
They created over 210,000 coins to represent the Wizarding currency, which brings the feel of Gringotts Bank to life. As the series progressed to its grand finale, filmmakers adapted by fashioning these coins from plastic. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment

1. Over 250 different animals were trained to appear on screen
Throughout the eight Harry Potter films, more than 250 different animals appeared in films, most of which were rescues. Julie Tottman, the Head Animal Trainer across the series revealed some magic behind the scenes: ravens, surprisingly trainable in just a day, contrasted sharply with the owls, which were notoriously tricky to train. | © Warner Bros. Entertainment
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