Hogwarts Legacy was a massive hit, and it should come as no surprise that a sequel is in production. But according to Variety, the sequel will also tie into the upcoming HBO Harry Potter series.

Hogwarts Legacy, which had a budget of around $150 million, sold over 30 million copies worldwide and generated well over $1 billion in revenue. It almost goes without saying that a sequel was going to be made.
But we expected the sequel to follow on directly from Hogwarts Legacy, which is set in the late 19th Century. According to a recent report, however, the writers working on the sequel are co-ordinating with the team behind the upcoming HBO show, which is based on the Harry Potter novels.
Will Hogwarts Legacy 2 be set in the Harry Potter era?
Speaking to Variety this week, the President of Warner Bros., David Haddad, revealed that a Hogwarts Legacy sequel is in production, and that the team behind it are co-ordinating with HBO. They apparently want to make the story of the next Hogwarts Legacy game align with the story being told in HBO's upcoming Harry Potter series:
Haddad says the games team has been coordinating some of the big-picture storytelling elements in the “Hogwarts Legacy” sequel with the storylines that will play out in the “Harry Potter” HBO series coming from Warner Bros. Television.
The obvious question is what exactly Haddad means when describing "big-picture storytelling elements". HBO's show is based on the novels, so it also begs the question, why can't the Hogwarts Legacy team simply refer to the books?
At the moment, we know far too little to do anything but speculate. Perhaps it means the next Hogwarts Legacy game will be set in the era of Harry Potter (the late 90s), or maybe the HBO show will deviate from the books. We're sure more will be revealed soon.
How do you expect the HBO show and the Hogwarts Legacy sequel to tie together, and are you as hyped for both as we are?