Apex Legends, like all massively multiplayer games, suffers from a few recurring bugs. Here's how to fix the "Problem Processing Game Logic" error.

We're not talking about anything fun today like new Legends, new Heirlooms, or new maps. Nope, we're talking about boring old bugs. And specifically, we're talking about the "Problem Processing Game Logic" error, the one that blocks you even getting into the game to start playing. It's annoying, and it's recurring, but it's also solvable. Here's how to fix this bug.
What Causes The "Problem Processing Game Logic" Error?
The "Problem Processing Game Logic" error is caused by a failure to verify your account with the EA servers. Usually, this error spikes, and we see hundreds of users effected in the same few hours. So don't worry, it's "their fault" so to speak. But there are a few things that you can try on your own, and one of these could resolve this issue. Follow the steps beneath, and you should be able to force the system to reverify your account and allow you into the game.
How Do You Fix The "Problem Processing Game Logic" Error?
To solve the "Problem Processing Game Logic" error, you effectively need to force EA to reverify your account. To do this, follow the steps beneath, and check after each stage if you've resolved the issue:
- Back out to the first menu screen of Apex Legends, and then attempt to log back in.
- Close the application completely, and then re-open the application.
- Restart your console or computer and try again.
- Unplug your router, plug it back in after 15 seconds, and try to log back into Apex.
If none of the above works, we did also hear of one solution from a user on the EA forums. That user suggested logging out of your main account, without closing the Apex Legends app, signing in to another account, and trying again. We tried this last method ourselves when we had the bug, but it didn't work. However, we're letting you know here because maybe you'll have more luck with it.
Okay, gang, that's all there is to say about the "Problem Processing Game Logic" error. Hopefully you found it useful, and you can get back to enjoying your favorite Battle Royale.