Need a jungler for your incoming climb? Or are you just autofilled? Well, look no further – this jungle tier list will tell you which champions can help you win on LoL Patch 14.12!

In this League of Legends patch, Riot introduced some changes to the jungle role by making adjustments to Naafiri, adding her as a viable option. However, the question remains: will these changes significantly influence the current meta?These adjustments could potentially shake things up, but it's uncertain how much impact Naafiri will have in her new role. Players will need time to experiment and adapt to these changes to see if she can establish herself as a strong pick in the jungle and alter the existing meta dynamics.
Jungle Lane Tier List: S-Tier Jungle Lane Picks Of LoL Patch 14.12
3. Lillia
Lillia is sitting on a 52.23% win rate right now.

Despite the nerfs to Blackfire Torch shortly after its release, it remains the first item you should build on Lillia. Follow it up with Liandry's and then Zhonya's.
Power Spikes:
Lillia becomes more powerful as the game progresses. Her ultimate is especially impactful, allowing her to control team fights. Play cautiously in the early game, and by the mid game, around the 15-minute mark, you'll be in a position to dominate.
Be sure to ban Morgana and Bel'Veth, as they are the biggest threats to Lillia. Bel'Veth can out-skirmish her, while Morgana's stun and Black Shield can significantly hinder her effectiveness.
Good Synergies:
Yone is an excellent mid lane partner for Lillia. Zoe also makes a strong duo, especially if you can capitalize on Lillia's ultimate to snipe enemies with precision.
2. Kha'Zix
Kha'Zix has reached new heights thanks to the item changes. Her win rate shot up to 50.65%.

Kha'Zix is a classic jungle assassin, aiming to surprise and eliminate squishy opponents in the backline. Choose the Gustwalker as your jungle companion and build Ghostblade first. For your second item, opt for either Opportunity or Edge of Night.
Power Spikes:
Kha'Zix is an ideal choice for early game dominance. He excels at frequent ganks and skirmishes, allowing him to gain the upper hand in the jungle.
Tanks are Kha'Zix's biggest adversaries since he can't burst them down as easily as he can with squishy opponents.
Good Synergies:
Kha'Zix has multiple build options, but pairing him with other strong early-game champions who like to roam is ideal. Winning a few early 2v2 duels will quickly propel Kha'Zix to the top.
1. Nocturne
Nocturne is an absolute Monster. He is currently demolishing solo queue with a 52.60% win rate.

As a skirmisher, start with Stridebreaker for your first item. Follow up with Experimental Hexplate to boost your attack damage and speed. Your third item should be based on your opponents: choose assassin items like Eclipse for dealing with squishy champions, or opt for Black Cleaver if facing more bruisers and fighters.
Power Spikes:
Nocturne's early game is fairly average, focused on gaining as much experience as possible. He truly shines in the mid-game, around the 15-minute mark.
Shaco is likely the most troublesome champion for Nocturne to face. If Shaco is banned, consider also banning Udyr and Rek'Sai.
Good Synergies:
Several champions pair well with Nocturne, such as Neeko, who can capitalize on his ultimate. Additionally, champions that excel in mid-game engagements and want to dive into fights are great choices.
Jungler Tier List in LoL Patch 14.12: The Other Jungle Champions
While the S-Tier junglers tend to be the best, there are still a lot of perfect picks in case these champions aren't available. Let's also take a look at some of the bottom-tier champions, which you should take note of and avoid!

The A-Tier Jungle Picks of LoL Patch 14.12
If you're not a fan of the S-tier picks, or they are banned, this is where to look. The A-tier champs are good, but don't warrant nerfs, so they are usually about the same.
Champion | Win Rate | Pick Rate |
Rek'Sai | 50.99% | 2.29% |
Viego | 50.51% | 11.95% |
Morgana | 52.01% | 1.12% |
Amumu | 52.30% | 3.97% |
Shaco | 50.94% | 5.95% |
Kayn | 51.02% | 5.52% |
Rammus | 51.37% | 2.31% |
Warwick | 51.98% | 3.35% |
Taliyah | 51.03% | 4.84% |
Morgana's priority has increased due to Lillia's dominance, making her a valuable pocket pick in the jungle.
Meanwhile, Taliyah remains a formidable jungle choice with minimal drawbacks, likely securing her spot in the top 3 picks for this patch once again.The F-Tier Jungle Picks of LoL Patch 14.12
If you want to win, just stay away from these champions, basically no point in playing them unless you're a one-trick.
Champion | Win Rate | Pick Rate |
Rengar | 45.85% | 2.25% |
Gwen | 49.38% | 0.58% |
Pantheon | 48.96% | 0.78% |
Zed | 46.48% | 0.78% |
There aren't too many bad champions this patch, but champions like Zed, Gwen and Rengar are just much better in other positions than the jungle. So just avoid them there for now and pick something else.