Logan Paul's and KSI's sports drink company Prime is being sued for using the letter "X" on two of their newest products.

Back in June, Jake Paul revealed the “Prime X treasure hunt event”, in which new, limited edition Prime bottles were released. The bottles featured a black X on the bottle, pieces of a treasure map behind the label, and a code under the lid.
Violating X Hydration's trademarks
On November 8 there was a lawsuit filed in the district court of Minnesota by a company called X Hydration, claiming that Prime's use of the X logo violated X Hydration’s trademark. The Minnesota-based company claimed that the Prime's limited edition bottles not only infringed on its logo trademark but also caused “irreparable harm” – and will continue to do so.
The complaint documents read:
Defendant markets its “X” sports drink products with packaging having an X logo that is confusingly similar to X Hydration’s federally registered X logo mark. [...] defendant’s actions complained of herein have been deliberate, willful, malicious and in bad faith, with the intent to mislead consumers and inflict injury on X Hydration.
Further, X Hydration currently offers their bottles in two colors – blue and pink – the same colors the new Prime X releases are available in. The company claims, that decisions for these colors were made by Prime “with the intent to confuse the public” and goes on saying, that there already have been “instances of actual consumer confusion” between the products.
Just one of many lawsuits
This is by far not the first trademark lawsuit filed against Prime. Back in August NASCAR driver Ceasar Barcarella claimed, that the sports drink violated the trademark of his supplement company Alpha Prime, while the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee filed a lawsuit over the company’s limited-edition bottle featuring the Olympic achievements of the NBA star Kevin Durant.
So far, Prime hasn't provided any statement acknowledging the latest lawsuit filed by X Hydration.
What do you think about the situation? Is X Hydration in the right to sue Prime?