Are assassins or mages better in the mid lane in League of Legends Patch 14.12? We've prepared a Tier list showing you the best mid laners in LoL Patch 14.12 to find out!

Naafiri received buffs in LoL Patch 14.12, and Void Staff saw significant enhancements for increased magic penetration. How have these changes influenced the current League of Legends mid lane meta?
We're going to take a look at the mid lane and which champions you should be playing in LoL Patch 14.12... and which champions you should avoid.
Mid Lane Tier List: S-Tier Mid Lane Picks Of LoL Patch 14.12
3. Vex
Vex is in our top three, sitting at a win rate of 52.14%.

Start with Luden's Companion for an initial power boost, followed by Shadowflame to enhance your magic penetration. For your third item, choose based on the game's progression; options include Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadan's Deathcap, or Cryptobloom for added versatility.
Power Spikes:
She excels during the mid-game when you can leverage her strengths in skirmishes around objectives and utilize her global ultimate threat.
Playing against Ekko and Zoe can be particularly challenging as Vex, so it's advisable to steer clear of these matchups whenever possible.
Good Synergies:
Nocturne pairs excellently with Vex as their ultimates synergize well, creating potential chaos across the map. Alternatively, teaming up with Poppy can provide robust support, enhancing your gameplay effectively.
2. Sylas
Sylas is winning our hearts in LoL Patch 14.12 with a solid win rate of 51.02%.

Begin with Lich Bane as your first item, followed by Shadowflame and then Death Cap. This build maximizes damage output, establishing you as the dominant force on Summoner's Rift. Sylas' inherent sustain ensures his resilience during skirmishes.
Power Spikes:
Sylas may face challenges in the early stages, particularly against ranged opponents. However, once he transitions out of laning phase and obtains his ultimate, he transforms into a formidable threat. This is the perfect opportunity to roam the map and unleash chaos.
Opt for resilient tanks like Gragas or Tryndamere when facing Sylas in the mid lane—they can easily outlast him and pose little challenge.
Good Synergies:
Sylas synergizes well with aggressive skirmishers in the jungle. Choose champions like Udyr, Skarner, or Kayn to ensure victory in any matchup.
1. Garen
No this isn't a drill. You've read that right and Garen is our number one mid laner for LoL Patch 14.12. Garen is the has a solid win rate of 56.33%.

Whether playing Garen in the mid or top lane, opt for the same build. Stridebreaker first, followed by Phantom Dancer, and finally Infinity Edge. This setup maximizes Garen's strength and versatility across both lanes.
Power Spikes:
Garen's early game is respectable, yet his true strength shines in the mid game. His ultimate serves as a significant power spike, warranting careful attention from opponents.
Prioritize banning Azir or Kassadin when selecting Garen, as their burst damage can overwhelm even a tanky skirmisher like Garen.
Good Synergies:
Udyr, Zac, and Ekko boast some of the highest win rates when paired with Garen in the mid lane. Udyr and Zac's tankiness poses a challenge to opposing teams, while Ekko's formidable burst damage aids in securing kills during ganks.
Mid Lane Tier List in LoL Patch 14.12: The Other Mid Lane Champions
While the S-Tier mid laners tend to be the best, there are still a lot of perfect picks in case these champions aren't available. Let's also take a look at some of the bottom-tier champions, which you should take note of and avoid!

The A-Tier Mid Picks of LoL Patch 14.12:
If you're not a fan of the S-tier picks, or they are banned, this is where to look. The A-tier champs are good but don't warrant nerfs, so they are usually about the same.
Champion | Win Rate | Pick Rate |
Naafiri | 53.71% | 2.45% |
LeBlanc | 50.53% | 8.92% |
Galio | 52.83% | 3.10% |
Ahri | 50.07% | 10.52% |
Brand | 51.98% | 3.90% |
Lux | 51.06% | 5.26% |
Malzahar | 51.15%% | 4.35% |
Yasuo | 49.49% | 7.81% |
Akshan | 51.89% | 2.64% |
Tristana | 50.05% | 5.89% |
Irelia | 51.02% | 3.52% |
The A-tier boasts a diverse array of champions, ranging from assassins and mages to melee skirmishers. The mid lane appears to be an open battleground with numerous viable picks available. Additionally, recent jungle-focused buffs to Naafiri have bolstered her strength and increased her play and win rates, particularly in lower elos.
The F-Tier Picks of LoL Patch 14.12:
If you want to win, just stay away from these champions, basically no point in playing them unless you're a one-trick.
Champion | Win Rate | Pick Rate |
Corki | 44.23% | 2.25% |
Azir | 46.70% | 2.07% |
Kassadin | 48.40% | 1.86% |
Ziggs | 49.21% | 1.21% |
Jayce | 49.38% | 1.13% |
Mid lane Corki has fallen out of favor due to recent kit adjustments, shifting him towards the bot lane as an AD-centric champion. Farewell to his mid lane presence. Additionally, steer clear of Kassadin, Ziggs, and Jayze in the current patch.