Mists of Pandaria Classic releases in summer 2025 – will it win back the fans, or is the nostalgia fading?

For many World of Warcraft (WoW) fans, Blizzard Entertainment’s latest announcement was a familiar one: another classic expansion is coming to WoW.
Since the release of Classic in August 2019, this alternative to modern WoW has managed to establish itself and build a stable player base.
To mark Blizzard's 30th anniversary, new developments in WoW Classic were also announced:
Some interesting stuff in the Warcraft 30th Anniversary stream- the RTS games are all getting fixed up- Mists of Pandaria Classic is coming- some of my favorite characters are coming to Rumble (Orgrim Doomhammer and Anub'arak)- player housing in the next WoW expansion pic.twitter.com/6TBNoSPYbv
— (@_RuneScimitar) November 13, 2024
The nostalgia factor
WoW Classic delivers on the promise of an authentic WoW experience with its emphasis on community play, challenging quests, and a slower, more deliberate pace.
This retro gameplay style and the original talent trees remind many of the challenging yet rewarding experience that defined WoW’s early years.

WoW Classic has steadily attracted both longtime fans and new players seeking an immersive, teamwork-focused experience, something that many feel is missing in the modern version.
By recapturing the original game’s sense of discovery and camaraderie, Classic has allowed fans to relive – or, for some, experience for the first time – the journey from WoW’s early years.
Mists of Pandaria: A controversial expansion returns
For summer 2025, Blizzard is planning to launch Mists of Pandaria Classic, giving players time to complete remaining Cataclysm Classic content and prepare for the journey into Pandaria.
Originally released in 2012, Mists of Pandaria broke away from the dark and epic style of past expansions like Wrath of the Lich King or Cataclysm, introducing a colorful, tranquil world inspired by Asian culture.
Blizzard announced Mists Of Pandaria Classic & I have no idea who this appeals to. The demand for Classic was because WoW was no longer WoW & the classic players wanted to go back to what was great. They botched it & are now rereleasing patches that we all complained about... pic.twitter.com/P2xagdnqKx
— Melee Games (@MeleeGames) November 13, 2024
For many, this change in tone felt mismatched with WoW’s gritty fantasy aesthetic, with some fans even labeling the new panda-based playable race as overly whimsical.
However, the latest classic trailer doesn't look whimsical at all. See for yourself:
World of Warcraft Classic - Mists of Pandaria Classic Announcement Trailer #MistsofPandaria #WoW #WarcraftDirect pic.twitter.com/arWdU7k2ns
— Shacknews (@shacknews) November 13, 2024
In retrospect, the expansion gained in popularity, mainly due to its darker story, the popular raids and a reimagined talent system that, despite initial resistance, later proved to be a strong feature.
Now, many are eager to see if Pandaria Classic can finally win over the skeptics and bring back the fans who may have missed it the first time.
Did you enjoy Mists of Pandaria back in the day, or is it still one of WoW’s more divisive expansions? Share your thoughts!